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PCYC Bornhoffen is committed to professional practice, learning and development.


We continue operating at the forefront of our industry, developing our knowledge base through ongoing education, reflection, research, and peer-reviewed articles.


Peer Reviewed Articles & Literature Reviews

Articles & Literature

University Research & Evaluations

University Research

Annual Reviews & Social Impact Reports

Annual Reviews & Impact reports

Significant Theories, Authors & Texts 

Sinificant Theories, Authors & Texts

The following theoretical concepts, authors and texts have played a pivotal role in our approach to youth development, learning, facilitation and leadership.​

Underpinning Principles and Theories:

  • Experiential Learning

  • Adventure Based Learning

  • Group Work

  • Facilitation & Reflective processes

  • Australian Association for Bush Adventure Therapy (AABAT) - Ethical Principles

  • Nature Based Experiences

  • FUNN (Functional Understanding not necessary)

  • Stages of Group Development

  • Continuum of Experience

  • Challenge by Choice

  • Strengths-based Approach

  • Collaborative Practice

  • Community Development principles

  • Narrative Therapy

  • Trauma Informed Care

  • Mental Health First Aid

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Polyvagal Theory

  • Common Approach - Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY)

  • Contemporary Leadership Theory



  • Experiential Learning (Fourth Edition) - A practical guide for training, coaching and education: Colin Beard and John P Wilson

  • Adventure Education - Theory and Application (Project Adventure): Dick Prouty, Jane Panicucci & Rufus Collinson

  • Helping Groups to Be Effective (Second Edition): Bob Dick

  • Exploring Islands of Healing - New Perspectives on Adventure Based Counseling: Jim Schoel & Richard S. Maizell

  • Outdoor Safety - Risk Management for Outdoor Leaders: New Zealand Mountain Safety Council Inc.

  • The National Outdoor Leadership School's Wilderness Guide (NOLS): Mark Harvey

  • The Bottomless Bag (Second Edition): Karl Rohnke

  • Youth Mental Health First Aid (Second Edition): Claire Kelly, Betty Kitchener and Anthony Jorm

  • Blue Knot Foundation - National Centre of Excellence for Complex Trauma

  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Stephen R. Covey

  • The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens: Sean Covey

  • Principle Centred Leadership: Stephen R. Covey

  • Outdoor Activities - Guidelines for Leaders: Education Outside New Zealand

  • Effective Leadership in Adventure Programming: Simon Priest & Michale A. Gass

  • Adventure Programming: John C. Miles & Simon Priest

  • Leadership in Leisure Services Making a Difference (Second Edition): Deborah J. Jordan

  • First Things First: Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill & Rebecca R. Merrill

  • The Complete Facilitator's Handbook: John Heron

  • Developing Communities for the Future (Third Edition): Susan Kenny

  • The Strengths Approach: Wayne McCashen

  • Getting Our Act together - How to Harness the Power of Groups: Glen Ochre

  • Golden Nuggets - Readings for Experiential Education: Jim Schoel & Mike Stratton

  • 7 Steps to Emotional Intelligence: Pattrick E. Merlevede, Denis Bridoux & Rudy Vandamme

  • NLP Workbook - A practical guide to achieving the results you want: Joseph O'Connor

  • New Leaders - Transforming the Art of Leadership into the Science of Results: Daniel Goleman

  • Australian Leisure (Second Edition): AJ Veal & Rob Lynch

  • Outdoor Programs for Young Offenders in Detention - An Overview: Susan Reddrop

  • The Strait Talk Manual - Options for Kids: Diane Brokenshire

  • The Path of Least resistance: Robert Fritz

  • Power Principle: Blaine Lee

  • The Whole Brian Business Book: (Second Edition): Herrmann & Herrmann-Nehdi

  • Group Action: T. Martin Ringer

  • Emotional Intelligence: Daniel Goleman

  • Working With Emotional Intelligence: Daniel Goleman

  • The New Leaders: Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis & Annie McFee

  • Change Your Questions Change Your Life: Adams

  • The Speed of Trust - The One Thing That Changes Everything: Stephen M.R Covey & Rebecca Merrill

  • Destructive Emotions: The Dalai Lama & Daniel Goleman

  • First Things First: Stephen R. Covey & A Roger Merrill

  • Quick Silver: Rohnke & Butler

  • Good Practice Principles for Youth Development Organisations: Katheryn Seymour

  • How to Have a Beautiful Mind: Edward de Bono

  • Lead Yourself: Mick Cope

  • The Spirit of Adventure: Colin Mortlock

  • Ecological Intelligence: Daniel Goleman

  • Dealing With the Tuff Staff: Hill, Hill & Richardson

  • A Leaders Legacy: Kouzes & Posner

  • Inverting The Pyramid - Enhancing Systems for Protecting Children: ARACY

  • An Introductionto Inclusive Practices: Willing and Able

  • Generation Alpha - Understanding our Children and Helping Them Thrive: Mark McCrindle & Ashley Fell


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